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engine.execute_client_cmd(command: string)

Name Type Description
command string Command to execute


engine.set_clan_tag(clan_tag: string, clan_name?: string)

Name Type Description
clan_tag string Clan tag
clan_name string Optional. Clan name (team name in scoreboard)


engine.trace_line(from: vec3_t, to: vec3_t, skip?: entity_t, mask?: number, type?: number): trace_t

Name Type Description
from vec3_t Position to start tracing from
to vec3_t Position where the trace ends
skip entity_t Optional. Entity to skip
mask number Optional. Trace mask
type number Optional. Trace type [0-3]
0: Everything Default
1: World only
2: Entities only
3: Everything filter props

engine.trace_line(from: vec3_t, to: vec3_t, skip?: entity_t[], mask?: number, type?: number): trace_t

Name Type Description
from vec3_t Position to start tracing from
to vec3_t Position where the trace ends
skip entity_t[] Optional. Table of entities to skip
mask number Optional. Trace mask
type number Optional. Trace type [0-3]
0: Everything Default
1: World only
2: Entities only
3: Everything filter props

engine.trace_line(from: vec3_t, to: vec3_t, should_hit_entity?: function, mask?: number, type?: number): trace_t

Name Type Description
from vec3_t Position to start tracing from
to vec3_t Position where the trace ends
should_hit_entity function Optional. Function, that receives entity_t and contents_mask in its arguments, and skips an entity if function returns false
mask number Optional. Trace mask
type number Optional. Trace type [0-3]
0: Everything Default
1: World only
2: Entities only
3: Everything filter props


engine.trace_hull(from: vec3_t, to: vec3_t, mins: vec3_t, maxs: vec3_t, skip?: entity_t, mask?: number, type?: number): trace_t

Name Type Description
from vec3_t Position to start tracing from
to vec3_t Position where the trace ends
mins vec3_t Mins of the hull
maxs vec3_t Maxs of the hull
skip entity_t Optional. Entity to skip
mask number Optional. Trace mask
type number Optional. Trace type [0-3]
0: Everything Default
1: World only
2: Entities only
3: Everything filter props

engine.trace_hull(from: vec3_t, to: vec3_t, mins: vec3_t, maxs: vec3_t, skip?: entity_t[], mask?: number, type?: number): trace_t

Name Type Description
from vec3_t Position to start tracing from
to vec3_t Position where the trace ends
mins vec3_t Mins of the hull
maxs vec3_t Maxs of the hull
skip entity_t[] Optional. Table of entities to skip
mask number Optional. Trace mask
type number Optional. Trace type [0-3]
0: Everything Default
1: World only
2: Entities only
3: Everything filter props

engine.trace_hull(from: vec3_t, to: vec3_t, mins: vec3_t, maxs: vec3_t, should_hit_entity?: function, mask?: number, type?: number): trace_t

Name Type Description
from vec3_t Position to start tracing from
to vec3_t Position where the trace ends
mins vec3_t Mins of the hull
maxs vec3_t Maxs of the hull
should_hit_entity function Optional. Function, that receives entity_t and contents_mask in its arguments, and skips an entity if function returns false
mask number Optional. Trace mask
type number Optional. Trace type [0-3]
0: Everything Default
1: World only
2: Entities only
3: Everything filter props


engine.get_netvar_offset(table_name: string, prop_name: string): number

Name Type Description
table_name string Name of the table
prop_name string Name of the property


engine.get_view_angles(): angle_t


engine.set_view_angles(angles: angle_t)

Name Type Description
angles angle_t New view angles