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Name Type Description
cur_time number Current server time in seconds
real_time number Current local time in seconds
frame_time number Time that was used to render a last game frame in seconds
frame_count number Total rendered frames count
absolute_frame_time number Time that was used to render a last game frame in seconds
tick_count number Count of ticks that server has handled
interval_per_tick number Duration of a tick in seconds
max_clients number Maximum number of players allowed on the server
choked_commands number Count of choked commands
command_ack number Last command that server has been acknowledged of
last_outgoing_command number Number of last command sequence number acknowledged by server
delta_tick number Last valid received server tick
is_connected boolean Is client connected to server or loading in game
is_in_game boolean Is client loaded to server and in game
camera_in_third_person boolean Is camera in third person