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Name Type Description
start_pos vec3_t Start position
end_pos vec3_t Final position
plane plane_t Surface normal at impact.
fraction number Percentage in the range [0.0, 1.0]. How far the trace went before hitting something. 1.0 - didn't hit anything
contents number Contents on other side of surface hit
disp_flags number Displacement flags for marking surfaces with data
all_solid boolean Returns true if the plane is invalid
start_solid boolean Returns true if the initial point was in a solid area
surface surface_t Surface hit (impact surface).
hitgroup number 0 - generic, non-zero is specific body part
physics_bone number Physics bone that was hit by the trace
world_surface_index number Index of the msurface2_t, if applicable
entity entity_t Entity that was hit by the trace
hitbox number Hitbox that was hit by the trace
did_hit function Returns true if there was any kind of impact at all
did_hit_world function Returns true if the entity points at the world entity
did_hit_non_world function Returns true if the trace hit something and it wasn't the world
is_visible function Returns true if the final position is visible


Name Type
name string
props number
flags number


Name Type
normal vec3_t
dist number
type number
signbits number